What If My Insurance Company Denies My Claim For Roof Damage?

quality roofing pro monmouth il roof insurance claim

Are there times in life when you hesitate to ask a question for fear of how the answer will make you feel? Take home repairs and maintenance, for example. Not every homeowner has a working knowledge of construction concepts or is capable of DIY. 

At Quality Roofing Pro we understand that it can be hard to ask questions about the quality of your roof, especially after a hail storm or weather event. In this article, we are going to tell you about one Warren County family whose claim for residential roof damage was denied by their insurance company and what happened when they were determined to know the truth about their roof. 


If your homeowner’s insurance has denied your claim for roof damage here are three steps you can take:

  1. Get a second opinion by scheduling a roof inspection with a reputable roofing contractor
  2. Collect photos or evidence of damage
  3. Ask to reopen your claim

What Do I Do If The Insurance Company Denied My Claim Of Damage?

The sirens went off near Monmouth, Illinois one April afternoon when Homeowner Smith was home on lunch break. After taking cover in the basement, Smith emerged to a yard full of hail 3 inches deep while leaves and debris were everywhere including the roof. Thankfully everyone was safe but naturally, the homeowner began to wonder if there would be damage from the storm. 

Within a week, roofing contractors began to canvas the neighborhood offering free roof inspections. The Smith family, who have a positive relationship with their insurance agent, reached out and opened a claim. The insurance company sent a claims adjustor who inspected the roof. Within a week the homeowner learned their claim was denied. Meanwhile, Smith’s neighbors were getting new roofs. After seeing an ad from a local residential roofing company, the homeowner reached out to Quality Roofing Pro for a second opinion. 

Upon inspection of the Smith property, the Quality Roofing Pro team found multiple locations of hail damage not only to the roof but also to the siding, gutters, and windows. Armed with a second opinion they could trust, the homeowner contacted their insurance company and requested the claim reopened. 

Homeowners like the Smiths don’t have to be afraid to ask questions when facing home maintenance issues like roof replacement. When you wonder if your home has damage, or are unsure how to navigate your insurance claim, contact Quality Roofing Pro.

Our staff of knowledgeable contractors offer free home roof inspections. Are you ready to know the truth about your roof? Schedule an inspection with Quality Roofing Pro at https://www.qualityroofingpro.com or call 1-309-371-4436.

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